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Balcony design ideas for apartments that’ll charm all guests

Everybody enjoys a breath of fresh air. Picture this- A hot cup of tea or coffee, comfortable seating arrangement, and a fantastic view from your balcony. Sounds perfect, doesn’t it? Balconies may seem like a small space, but they can soon become y...

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Buy Luxury Homes and Apartments in South Bangalore

Bangalore is a beautiful garden city that welcomes every person with open arms. Being one of the most important cities for educational, and career-related opportunities, Bangalore is touted as the Silicon Valley of India.  While Bangalore offers...

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Upcoming Trends in Bangalore Real Estate Market

The recent COVID-19 pandemic that struck has shown the importance of investing in houses and real estate. According to Business  Industry experts, humongous growth and opportunity in the real estate market are predicted to be worth $1 trillion b...

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Best Properties to invest in North Bangalore

It is a known fact that investing in a property adds tremendous value and prosperity within a short span of time. Before buying a new home, you need to do your research and understand the best properties within your preferred locality, and make an in...

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Apartment vs Independent House – Blog – Home Living

Searching for a new apartment means scouring the internet for hours to check for properties that meet your residential needs! We understand that it is imperative to search for necessities, such as a bedroom, proper kitchen set up, balcony, etc. Howev...

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Top 10 Home Maintenance Tips

We understand the feeling of relief once your property documentation and legal processes are done! While buying a new home may seem like a herculean task, home ownership does not just end there.  At first, home maintenance may seem intimidating ...
