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A guide to preventing indoor air pollution

Last Modified: 14 Dec 2019

Modern homes have numerous sources of indoor air pollution. Today, along with the rise in the demand for energy-efficient homes, the demand for less airtight homes, with adequate sources of ventilation is also increasing. This is primarily because airtight homes tend to keep circulating the polluted air within the house. This increases pollution-causing microscopic solid and liquid particles, chemical fragrances, nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide indoors. Bioaerosols which comprise harmful bacteria, dust mites, fungi and viruses also contribute significantly to air pollution in a home. 

However, there are several measures that one can take to make their homes free of air pollution. Listed below are some of the most effective and easy-to-implement methods of doing so. 

Periodic Maintenance

Most homeowners often tend to overlook regular maintenance as they either find it tedious or they cannot spare the time to do so. However, putting off the periodic maintenance of your home, especially the cleaning of air-conditioning units and filters, can be quite detrimental to your health in the long run. Clearing all HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems of debris and dust can get you a step closer to making your indoors pollution-free as well as prolong the life of your unit and keep it running for longer, without the need for any expensive repairs. 

Pest Control Is A Must

Rodents, insects, and bugs are a major threat to a pollution-free indoor environment. They often bring dangerous airborne contaminants along with them when they enter your home. It is important to check that your pantry is properly safeguarded, and other food is sealed within secure containers to avoid attracting any of these unwanted visitors into your house.  

Invest in an air purifier

With pollution levels soaring outdoors, homeowners resort to sealing their homes. However, this leads to a lack of ventilation – which is a contributing factor to indoor air pollution. You can counteract this with air purifiers that not only improve the quality of air indoors but also help in preventing various lifestyle diseases like asthma, wheezing and allergies. Furthermore, air purifiers reduce the levels of carbon dioxide in homes and eliminate harmful gases like radon gas which is known to be a trigger for lung cancer.   

Place Floor Mats All Over Your House

Placing floor mats at every doorway of your home can prevent the transport of dander, dirt particles, and other harmful pollutants from one room to another. This also helps in avoiding the shifting of odors and smells from one part of the house to another. 

Taking Steps for Better Ventilation 

The lack of ventilation is one of the leading causes of indoor air pollution. Air ducts, gaps and air-ducts in the HVAC units of your home can cause a lot of dust, unwanted moisture and debris to build-up, which not only make the quality of air indoors more inferior but also make your HVAC unit less energy efficient due to the lack of sufficient air circulation. Cross ventilation is a great way to renew the air indoors. This technique is especially effective during the early hours of the morning when pollution is minimal and temperatures are low. Just ensure the open doors or windows are opposite to each other and enjoy the cool breeze while sipping on a hot cup of coffee!

Moisture Control 

If you happen to live in a tropical environment where there is a lot of humidity or frequent rainfall, excess moisture can rain havoc on the ambient air quality of your home. The formation of toxic molds and powerful odor-causing bacteria/fungi capable of causing respiratory problems are amplified when the moisture content indoors is too high. Equipping your house with room dehumidifiers that suck in warm and moist air is the best way to control humidity and curb excess moisture.

Opt for Natural Cleaning Agents & Methods

Although cleaning your home is necessary, doing so with cleaning agents that contain toxic chemicals and vapors often make the quality of air inside your home, worse. Today, there are several green and environment-friendly cleaning products made from natural ingredients that will do just as good a job as conventional cleaners, but also aren’t harmful to your health. Also, avoid using air-fresheners and cleaning products featuring limonene (known for giving off citrusy smells) as they have been proven to have the same impact as the effects of pollution on human health. 

Indoor Plants 

Perhaps one of the most well-known methods of improving ambient air quality in a home, placing household plants all over your home can make a world of difference. Popular indoor plants such as ficus, peace lily, aloe vera, and gerbera daisy, to name a few, all function by filtering hazardous air pollutants and chemicals including harmful carcinogens, trichloroethylene, formaldehyde odors, smog, etc. They also supply your home with fresh oxygen. 

Although cracking down on indoor air pollutants to mitigate the effects of pollution on human health is not a complex process, it is painstaking and slow. Improving the quality of air indoors takes time. That is why it is always recommended that homeowners think about these factors even while designing their homes, to help make maintenance easier and avoid having to undertake expensive renovations and maintenance activities later on. However, any measures that you can take to improve the quality of air within your home can prove to be incredibly beneficial to the well-being and health of your family, especially in the long run. Homes built by Assetz Property Group are known for their sustainability, keeping the environment in check – both externally and internally. Let’s do our bit to live a pollution-free life, because, as the saying goes, the earth is what we all have in common!

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